One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville


A number of presentations have been linked here to assist faculty in understanding and applying the task of biblical integration in their research, writing, and teaching. Further resources will be linked as they become available.


Models for Biblical Integration, by Dr. Jason Lee

Powerpoint Presentation

Proposal for Biblical Integration, by Dr. Jason Lee

Powerpoint Presentation

The Process of Biblical Integration, by Dr. Jeremy Kimble

Powerpoint Presentation


"We Believe" Message Series, by Dr. Thomas White




View thumbnail for God, Hermeneutics, Theology, and the Academic Disciplines

God, Hermeneutics, Theology, and the Academic Disciplines

In this video, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Director of the Center for Biblical Integration and Associate Professor of Theology, speaks to CU faculty during the Fa 2019 Academic Division Meeting. Whatever our academic discipline, we are called to think theologically in concert with the truth of Scripture. This lecture focuses on the doctrine of God and some key details regarding biblical interpretation, two areas that are essential for effectively applying a biblical-theological framework to academics and all of life.

View thumbnail for Dr. Jeremy Kimble | Integration Paper Workshop, Spring 2019

Dr. Jeremy Kimble | Integration Paper Workshop, Spring 2019

In this video, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Director of the Center for Biblical Integration and Associate Professor of Theology, provides a training session to assist Cedarville University faculty working on their integration papers. This session covers what integration is, thinks through the integration paper process, and provides details as to what the handbook says on the integration paper requirements.

View thumbnail for Dr. Joshua Kira, Truth, Knowledge and Revelation - Fall 2018

Dr. Joshua Kira, Truth, Knowledge and Revelation - Fall 2018

Dr. Kira will clarify the relationship between truth, knowledge, and revelation, focusing on how the concepts are used in theology and philosophy. Particularly, the lecture will aim to show the importance of how one approaches truth so as to possess knowledge, with an application to the knowledge of God.

View thumbnail for Dr. Jeremy Kimble | Integration Paper Workshop

Dr. Jeremy Kimble | Integration Paper Workshop

In this video, Dr. Jeremy Kimble, Director of the Center for Biblical Integration and Assistant Professor of Theology, provides a training session to assist Cedarville University faculty working on their integration papers. This session covers what integration is, thinks through the integration paper process, and provides details as to what the handbook says on the integration paper requirements.

View thumbnail for Mr. Sam Alberry | A Theology of the Body

Mr. Sam Alberry | A Theology of the Body

In this video Rev. Sam Allberry, Visiting Professor at Cedarville University, a global speaker for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, editor for The Gospel Coalition, author of several apologetic’s
books, and a pastor based in Maidenhead, UK, gives a lecture on “A Theology of the Body”. Sam writes, "Western culture is increasingly confused about our bodies: on one hand they’re seen as accidental and incidental; on the other they can quickly become the focus of our identity — we seem to be more invested in our image than ever before. But as we look at the biblical narrative we see
good news. Creation, fall, and redemption all shed crucial light on what it means to be and have a body." This is a crucial topic effecting a number of our respective disciplines. This lecture, I have no doubt, will be of great help to our efforts to love God with all of our minds.

View thumbnail for Dr. Thomas Mach | Academic Development Session, Fall 2017

Dr. Thomas Mach | Academic Development Session, Fall 2017

In this video Dr. Thomas Mach, Vice President for Academics at Cedarville University, gives a lecture dealing with the topics of general and special revelation and their relationship to biblical integration. Following this lecture there is a panel discussion to address further questions related to the topic.

View thumbnail for Dr. Bruce Ashford | Biblical Integration, Spring 2017

Dr. Bruce Ashford | Biblical Integration, Spring 2017

Dr. Bruce Ashford is Provost and Professor of Theology and Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. In this lecture he addresses the relationship between nature and grace and the impact this relationship will have as it relates to higher education.

View thumbnail for Dr. Thomas Mach - Biblical Integration Presentation, Fall 2016

Dr. Thomas Mach - Biblical Integration Presentation, Fall 2016

Cedarville holds fast to the inerrancy of Scripture and is committed to integrating a biblical worldview into every course, in every discipline.

View thumbnail for Dr. Steve McKinion | Avoiding the Extremes of Irrelevance and Hyper-relevance, Spring 2015

Dr. Steve McKinion | Avoiding the Extremes of Irrelevance and Hyper-relevance, Spring 2015

View thumbnail for Dr. Dockery | Developing a Theology for Christian Education, Spring 2014

Dr. Dockery | Developing a Theology for Christian Education, Spring 2014

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